A Model Marriage
BY Louise Lewin (moved to fiction pad)
Life isn't perfect, even when you're a world-famous model; just ask
Bella Swan.
Her marriage to husband Edward is heading for the rocks, but
will the ultimate
betrayal occur and force them apart forever?
Louise came back to finish this amazing story with a bang!
A great ending we all hoped for as we all didn't think
Edward would get his happy ending.
As ever chapter got more and more addicting.
As we watched Edward suffer for his Mistake he made.
And we cried along with Bella from Edward's betrayal.
This story reminds me to never give up and hope.
This is one of the best cheating stories out there.
Louise did a amazing job writing every word, making this story so
realistic. She didn't didn't sugar coat every women's nightmare.
Thank you for this amazing story Louise.
Ana Rod.
(Click banner to read the Epilogue.)
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Angst - Bella, Edward -
Chapters: 34 - Words: 79,977 - Reviews: 1,033 - Favs: 520 -
Follows: 732 - Updated: 10-19-13 - Published: 10-06-12 -
Status: Complete - id: 8585179